Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally at Home

Normally it is irritating to have the Bed Bugs, and more painful is to get Rid of it Quickly. So many of them are still thinking about how to get rid of them completely

Before moving to the subject, let u give me some information about Bed Bugs
  • They feed Human blood only, they can live without food
  • They are more Active in Night times, normally they will disappear in Day times
  • They cannot withstand higher temperature, it is easier to kill them

Bed bugs at home

Home Remedies to get rid of Bed Bugs

1) As i Earlier said, they love darkness so first cut down the darkness , make sure all lights are switched on your Room
2) Take a kerosene or Bed Bug killing agent in a small bucket with Hand gloves and a Cloth to wipe 
3) Pack all the things like Pillows, Bed Sheet cover , clothes in a Polythene cover for further washing
4) Clear all the Unwanted things such that the Bed bugs cannot hide around your Surroundings

It is Time to kill now, let us see about that

1) Now Take the Pillow and Mattress and keep away from the Bed Bug area
2) Gently Pour Some Kerosene in the Cracks, Joints and all Corners of your Bed
3) After some time all the Bed Bugs will fall a part, some will fall alive too, Kill them by Wiping them with the Cloth which was Immersed in Kerosene
4) Seal the Cracks with any good Varnish or Paint
5) You are now free from the Bed bugs

To kill Bed bugs in Bedding and Furniture

1) The Best way to Kill bed bugs in Bedding and Furniture is Just take the Bedding and Furniture to Outside
2) Keep them in the Sunlight for sometime 
3) Some will die with the heat, others will hide
4) Use Kerosene treatment which i stated earlier for Killing the Bed bugs that was Hidden in dark places

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