Monday, April 15, 2013

Capitals Quiz


Test your knowledge about the worlds capital cities with this Educational quiz; consists of all countries and capitals in the world.
There are 22 levels (each on getting more difficult) to get through. Once you have answered correctly this unlocks a fact page about each country/capital.
The fact page shows where this capital is on a map, what currency they use, population of country as well as many many more informative facts; so this is a great revision and study tool.

Getting Started

When you first launch the application you will be greeted with a page showing all levels. All but the first level will be locked.

As you progress through the levels this will unlock other levels.

Select any of the unlocked levels to play this level.

Play a Level

Once you have selected a level to play this will show a list of countries within this level:

Select the country and submit your answer:

If you answer incorrectly you will stay on the same screen to try again. If you answer correctly you will be redirected to an fact page.

Fact Page

The fact page has lot of information about the country and capital that you have just answered.

You are shown the location of the capital; you can zoom in and out and pan around this map.
You are also given the following facts in the bottom scrollable section:

  • Flag
  • Country Name
  • Capital Name
  • Distance Away (miles)
  • Distance Away (km)
  • Population
  • Nationality (Singular)
  • Nationality (Plural)
  • Currency
  • Currency Code
  • Region
  • Time Zone
  • Current Time
  • Internet Domain

Correct Answers
Once you have selected the OK button on the facts page you are redirected back to the countries for the current level you are answering. 

Correct answers have a green background, a tick; and the answer is also shown.

Incorrect answers have a red background and a cross

Answers that not have been attempted are shown with a grey background. 


As you progress through the levels a progress is indicated on the initial levels screen as shown below:

A level is unlocked if it appears with a white background with an unlocked padlock.

It is locked if it appears with a grey background with a locked padlock

The progress bar also indicated the number of complete answers in each level.

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