Friday, January 6, 2012

Bush Shoot-Out

Bush Shoot-Out
This is a shooting game. You are the former president Bush (Former president of the USA for those who do not know). A terrorist group invests the white house to kill you, you must kill all the terrorists and protect the american way of life. You will protecting the White House as only a Texan can! With a little help from Condoleeza Rice. You are armed with M16 and you must kill a certain number of enemies (specified) on each level, your bar of life is represented in the form of heart thus if the gauge is to 0 you lost. The goal of the play is to manage to finish all the levels without being killed.
How to Play: You try to barricade yourself in the oval office, but it's no use. Luckily, you're a Texan and you keep your arsenal handy. You just need to aim the terrorist and shoot. When run out of bullet, it will reload automaticlly, you can't fire during reloading.

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