Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rumor: to release first Android App

Google's Android SDK, the company’s new mobile platform, isn't due for release until later this month, but Valleywag has some leaked screenshots of a site that could end up offering the first Android app. The rumor is that these shots are from, a startup that mashes geodata with store operating hours to tell you, as the name implies, what's open near you.

There is of course no guarantee that these are real, but Valleywag’s source claims that, along with the screens of the soon-to-launch site, there’s an Android-ready app to go along with it.

At first glance the results are a bit underwhelming, but having wasted half an hour yesterday waiting for the local DMV office to re-open after its lunch break, I can personally attest to the potential usefulness of a service like (assuming of course that Valleywag’s source is correct about what it is).

Hopefully, since a fully-functional Android-based phone is still a considerable way off, WhatsOpen will at least unveil the site sometime soon.

Source: Wired

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