Friday, August 30, 2013

How to Transfer Balance from Aircel Bsnl Idea Docomo Reliance and Uninor

There is not a much difficulty in transfer balance from one mobile to another, we can do it with ease and grace. Every Network will support this balance transfer feature, i listed all the network service providers and their procedure to gift your balance to your friends, relatives or brothers.

Note- Most importantly the balance tricks which i stated below can be transferred with in same network providers, we cannot send Balance from your idea to aircel

How to transfer balance


If you want to send your balance to other docomo number, just send an SMS to 54321

e.g : BT <Mobile number> <amount> to 54321

In Simpler [ BT 8885465XXX 50 ] to 54321, Here the "50" refers to the amount we are going to transfer, you can fill according to your needs


The Mobile balance transfer in reliance differs a lot from Docomo Procedure, Let us see them

First Dial *367*3#, after this enter the *312*3#, Finally the mdn( Mobile Number )

Now Enter the amount you want to transfer, if it asks for PIN, Enter the Number "1" as PIN

Your Balance will be Successfully Transferred


The Idea balance transfer is same as docomo, just we need a SMS to do your Work

e.g : GIVE < Mobile Number > < Amount> to 55567

In Simpler [ GIVE 9036655XXX 30 ] to 55567, Here the 30 refers to the amount we are going to transfer, it is up to your wish


It is so simple, Just Dial *122*666# and Follow the  On Screen Instructions Which appears on your Mobile then Transfer the amount you would like to


Just Dial an Simple USSD code in your mobile for easy balance transfer from uninor to uninor

Dial ( *202*Mobilenumber*amount# ) in your mobile

In Simpler [*202*90526236XX*20#] here the 20 refers to the amount you are transferring


Here also Simply Dial USSD code *141# and follow the Screen instructions in your mobile, and transfer your mobile balance


It is inverted form to the Uninor transfer Service, we need to enter the USSD code, recharge amount and Mobile Number

Simply Dial ( *131*Amount*Mobilenumber# ) for your balance transfer

In more Simpler [ Dial *131*100*88895655XX#] here the 100 Refers to the amount we are going to transfer to other Vodafone number


To Transfer balance you need to send an SMS like is Shown below

Simple ( Send Gift <Mobile Number> < Amount> to 53733 )

In Simpler [ Gift 89856339XX 50 ] here the 50 refers to the amount we are going to Transfer to other BSNL Number

Also Read : Manual GPRS Settings for Aircel Idea Vodafone Airtel BSNL Uninor

Thursday, August 29, 2013

RenderScript Intrinsics

Posted by R. Jason Sams, Android RenderScript Tech Lead

RenderScript has a very powerful ability called Intrinsics. Intrinsics are built-in functions that perform well-defined operations often seen in image processing. Intrinsics can be very helpful to you because they provide extremely high-performance implementations of standard functions with a minimal amount of code.

RenderScript intrinsics will usually be the fastest possible way for a developer to perform these operations. We’ve worked closely with our partners to ensure that the intrinsics perform as fast as possible on their architectures — often far beyond anything that can be achieved in a general-purpose language.

Table 1. RenderScript intrinsics and the operations they provide.

ScriptIntrinsicConvolve3x3, ScriptIntrinsicConvolve5x5Performs a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution.
ScriptIntrinsicBlurPerforms a Gaussian blur. Supports grayscale and RGBA buffers and is used by the system framework for drop shadows.
ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGBConverts a YUV buffer to RGB. Often used to process camera data.
ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrixApplies a 4x4 color matrix to a buffer.
ScriptIntrinsicBlendBlends two allocations in a variety of ways.
ScriptIntrinsicLUTApplies a per-channel lookup table to a buffer.
ScriptIntrinsic3DLUTApplies a color cube with interpolation to a buffer.

Your application can use one of these intrinsics with very little code. For example, to perform a Gaussian blur, the application can do the following:

RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(theActivity);
ScriptIntrinsicBlur theIntrinsic = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(mRS, Element.U8_4(rs));;
Allocation tmpIn = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, inputBitmap);
Allocation tmpOut = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, outputBitmap);

This example creates a RenderScript context and a Blur intrinsic. It then uses the intrinsic to perform a Gaussian blur with a 25-pixel radius on the allocation. The default implementation of blur uses carefully hand-tuned assembly code, but on some hardware it will instead use hand-tuned GPU code.

What do developers get from the tuning that we’ve done? On the new Nexus 7, running that same 25-pixel radius Gaussian blur on a 1.6 megapixel image takes about 176ms. A simpler intrinsic like the color matrix operation takes under 4ms. The intrinsics are typically 2-3x faster than a multithreaded C implementation and often 10x+ faster than a Java implementation. Pretty good for eight lines of code.

Renderscript optimizations chartstyle="border:1px solid #ddd;border-radius: 6px;" />

Figure 1. Performance gains with RenderScript intrinsics, relative to equivalent multithreaded C implementations.

Applications that need additional functionality can mix these intrinsics with their own RenderScript kernels. An example of this would be an application that is taking camera preview data, converting it from YUV to RGB, adding a vignette effect, and uploading the final image to a SurfaceView for display.

In this example, we’ve got a stream of data flowing between a source device (the camera) and an output device (the display) with a number of possible processors along the way. Today, these operations can all run on the CPU, but as architectures become more advanced, using other processors becomes possible.

For example, the vignette operation can happen on a compute-capable GPU (like the ARM Mali T604 in the Nexus 10), while the YUV to RGB conversion could happen directly on the camera’s image signal processor (ISP). Using these different processors could significantly improve power consumption and performance. As more these processors become available, future Android updates will enable RenderScript to run on these processors, and applications written for RenderScript today will begin to make use of those processors transparently, without any additional work for developers.

Intrinsics provide developers a powerful tool they can leverage with minimal effort to achieve great performance across a wide variety of hardware. They can be mixed and matched with general purpose developer code allowing great flexibility in application design. So next time you have performance issues with image manipulation, I hope you give them a look to see if they can help.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Respecting Audio Focus

Posted by Kristan Uccello, Google Developer Relations

It’s rude to talk during a presentation, it disrespects the speaker and annoys the audience. If your application doesn’t respect the rules of audio focus then it’s disrespecting other applications and annoying the user. If you have never heard of audio focus you should take a look at the Android developer training material.

With multiple apps potentially playing audio it's important to think about how they should interact. To avoid every music app playing at the same time, Android uses audio focus to moderate audio playback—your app should only play audio when it holds audio focus. This post provides some tips on how to handle changes in audio focus properly, to ensure the best possible experience for the user.

Requesting audio focus

Audio focus should not be requested when your application starts (don’t get greedy), instead delay requesting it until your application is about to do something with an audio stream. By requesting audio focus through the AudioManager system service, an application can use one of the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN* constants (see Table 1) to indicate the desired level of focus.

Listing 1. Requesting audio focus.

1. AudioManager am = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
3. int result = am.requestAudioFocus(mOnAudioFocusChangeListener,
4. // Hint: the music stream.
5. AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC,
6. // Request permanent focus.
7. AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
8. if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {
9. mState.audioFocusGranted = true;
10. } else if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED) {
11. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
12. }

In line 7 above, you can see that we have requested permanent audio focus. An application could instead request transient focus using AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT which is appropriate when using the audio system for less than 45 seconds.

Alternatively, the app could use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK, which is appropriate when the use of the audio system may be shared with another application that is currently playing audio (e.g. for playing a "keep it up" prompt in a fitness application and expecting background music to duck during the prompt). The app requesting AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK should not use the audio system for more than 15 seconds before releasing focus.

Handling audio focus changes

In order to handle audio focus change events, an application should create an instance of OnAudioFocusChangeListener. In the listener, the application will need to handle theAUDIOFOCUS_GAIN* event and AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS* events (see Table 1). It should be noted that AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN has some nuances which are highlighted in Listing 2, below.

Listing 2. Handling audio focus changes.

1. mOnAudioFocusChangeListener = new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {  
3. @Override
4. public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
5. switch (focusChange) {
6. case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN:
7. mState.audioFocusGranted = true;
9. if(mState.released) {
10. initializeMediaPlayer();
11. }
13. switch(mState.lastKnownAudioFocusState) {
14. case UNKNOWN:
15. if(mState.state == PlayState.PLAY && !mPlayer.isPlaying()) {
16. mPlayer.start();
17. }
18. break;
20. if(mState.wasPlayingWhenTransientLoss) {
21. mPlayer.start();
22. }
23. break;
25. restoreVolume();
26. break;
27. }
29. break;
30. case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS:
31. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
32. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
33. teardown();
34. break;
36. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
37. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
38. mState.wasPlayingWhenTransientLoss = mPlayer.isPlaying();
39. mPlayer.pause();
40. break;
42. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
43. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
44. lowerVolume();
45. break;
46. }
47. mState.lastKnownAudioFocusState = focusChange;
48. }

AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is used in two distinct scopes of an applications code. First, it can be used when registering for audio focus as shown in Listing 1. This does NOT translate to an event for the registered OnAudioFocusChangeListener, meaning that on a successful audio focus request the listener will NOT receive an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event for the registration.

AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is also used in the implementation of an OnAudioFocusChangeListener as an event condition. As stated above, the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event will not be triggered on audio focus requests. Instead the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event will occur only after an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS* event has occurred. This is the only constant in the set shown Table 1 that is used in both scopes.

There are four cases that need to be handled by the focus change listener. When the application receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS this usually means it will not be getting its focus back. In this case the app should release assets associated with the audio system and stop playback. As an example, imagine a user is playing music using an app and then launches a game which takes audio focus away from the music app. There is no predictable time for when the user will exit the game. More likely, the user will navigate to the home launcher (leaving the game in the background) and launch yet another application or return to the music app causing a resume which would then request audio focus again.

However another case exists that warrants some discussion. There is a difference between losing audio focus permanently (as described above) and temporarily. When an application receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT, the behavior of the app should be that it suspends its use of the audio system until it receives an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event. When the AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT occurs, the application should make a note that the loss is temporary, that way on audio focus gain it can reason about what the correct behavior should be (see lines 13-27 of Listing 2).

Sometimes an app loses audio focus (receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) and the interrupting application terminates or otherwise abandons audio focus. In this case the last application that had audio focus may receive an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event. On the subsequent AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event the app should check and see if it is receiving the gain after a temporary loss and can thus resume use of the audio system or if recovering from an permanent loss, setup for playback.

If an application will only be using the audio capabilities for a short time (less than 45 seconds), it should use an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT focus request and abandon focus after it has completed its playback or capture. Audio focus is handled as a stack on the system — as such the last process to request audio focus wins.

When audio focus has been gained this is the appropriate time to create a MediaPlayer or MediaRecorder instance and allocate resources. Likewise when an app receives AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS it is good practice to clean up any resources allocated. Gaining audio focus has three possibilities that also correspond to the three audio focus loss cases in Table 1. It is a good practice to always explicitly handle all the loss cases in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener.

Table 1. Audio focus gain and loss implication.


Note: AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is used in two places. When requesting audio focus it is passed in as a hint to the AudioManager and it is used as an event case in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener. The gain events highlighted in green are only used when requesting audio focus. The loss events are only used in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener.

Table 2. Audio stream types.

Stream TypeDescription
STREAM_ALARMThe audio stream for alarms
STREAM_DTMFThe audio stream for DTMF Tones
STREAM_MUSICThe audio stream for "media" (music, podcast, videos) playback
STREAM_NOTIFICATIONThe audio stream for notifications
STREAM_RINGThe audio stream for the phone ring
STREAM_SYSTEMThe audio stream for system sounds

An app will request audio focus (see an example in the sample source code linked below) from the AudioManager (Listing 1, line 1). The three arguments it provides are an audio focus change listener object (optional), a hint as to what audio channel to use (Table 2, most apps should use STREAM_MUSIC) and the type of audio focus from Table 1, column 1. If audio focus is granted by the system (AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED), only then handle any initialization (see Listing 1, line 9).

Note: The system will not grant audio focus (AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED) if there is a phone call currently in process and the application will not receive AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN after the call ends.

Within an implementation of OnAudioFocusChange(), understanding what to do when an application receives an onAudioFocusChange() event is summarized in Table 3.

In the cases of losing audio focus be sure to check that the loss is in fact final. If the app receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT or AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK it can hold onto the media resources it has created (don’t call release()) as there will likely be another audio focus change event very soon thereafter. The app should take note that it has received a transient loss using some sort of state flag or simple state machine.

If an application were to request permanent audio focus with AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN and then receive an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK an appropriate action for the application would be to lower its stream volume (make sure to store the original volume state somewhere) and then raise the volume upon receiving an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event (see Figure 1, below).

Table 3. Appropriate actions by focus change type.

Focus Change TypeAppropriate Action
AUDIOFOCUS_GAINGain event after loss event: Resume playback of media unless other state flags set by the application indicate otherwise. For example, the user paused the media prior to loss event.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSSStop playback. Release assets.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENTPause playback and keep a state flag that the loss is transient so that when the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event occurs you can resume playback if appropriate. Do not release assets.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCKLower volume or pause playback keeping track of state as with AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT. Do not release assets.

Conclusion and further reading

Understanding how to be a good audio citizen application on an Android device means respecting the system's audio focus rules and handling each case appropriately. Try to make your application behave in a consistent manner and not negatively surprise the user. There is a lot more that can be talked about within the audio system on Android and in the material below you will find some additional discussions.

Example source code is available here:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator generates 2-step verification codes on your phone.
Enable 2-step verification to protect your account from hijacking by adding another layer of security. With 2-step verification signing in will require a code generated by the Google Authenticator app in addition to your account password.
Start by visiting
* Generates codes even in airplane mode!
* Support for multiple accounts
* Support for multiple languages

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Best and Top Laptops under Rs 30000 in India

We need Best in Everything, Laptop or smartphone it does not matter, in this highly developed world people prefers to use more innovative and useful devices, Laptops are one of the prime example i listed best Laptops under Rs 30,000 here for your quick reference to the Current Marketing and Price options of your Laptop Choice


Key Specifications : It Runs on the Intel i3 Processor with the good clock Speed of 2.2 Ghz. It is Supported by 2GB DDR3 RAM, Coming with Windows 7 OS and Display of 15.5 inch

Current market price : Rs 29,250

2) ACER ASPIRE 5755 Laptop

Key Specifications : Similar to the above it has intel i3 Processor and 2GB DDR3 RAM. The Laptop Display is 15.6 inches HD and Storage Capacity of 500GB

Current Market Price : Rs 27,299

3) ASUS A Series A52F EX1097R Laptop

Key Specifications : The Screen Size was 15.6 inches with intel i3 processor and 500GB Hard Disk. It supports 3GB DDR3 RAM and Windows 7 Operating System

Current market price : Rs 29,900

4) Samsung R series RV509-A05IN laptop

Key Specifications : The Screen Size was 15.2 inches with intel i3 Processor and  3GB DDR3 RAM, it has other connectivity options like Bluetooth and WiFi

Current Market Price : Rs 29,900

5) MSI FR Series FR600 Laptop

Key Specifications : It Runs on Windows Home Basic 7 and is provided with i3 Processor, 3GB DDR RAM and Big LED screen

Current Market Price : Rs 26,330

Also Read : Top and Best smart phones under 25,000

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ubuntu Lockscreen

The Ubuntu lockscreen is the first Ubuntu Touch OS lock screen for Android. Its easy to use and it have the elegance and innovate style from Ubuntu Touch OS. It also have many settings that can be changed, from animations to colors. Although its still on beta stages it stable enough to use it every day!
Its the perfect app for those who like Ubuntu and/or like to try new and unique apps.
It include features like:
All notifications can be shown, just enable the Accessibility Service and set it up.
Locking timer
Easy to use music buttons

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Here, there and everywhere: Google Keep reminds you at the right time

Notes are a good way to keep track of all you have to do, but most of us need a little nudge now and then. Google Keep can remind you of important tasks and errands at just the right time and place. For example, Keep works with Google Now to remind you of your grocery list when you walk into your favorite grocery store, and nudges you on Thursday night to take out the trash.

To get started, select the “Remind me” button from the bottom of any note and choose the type of reminder you want to add. You can add time-based reminders for a specific date and time, or a more general time of day, like tomorrow morning. Adding a location reminder is incredibly easy too—as soon as you start typing Google Keep suggests places nearby.

Of course, sometimes plans change. If you get a reminder you’re not ready to deal with, simply snooze it to a time or place that’s better for you.


It’s now even easier to get to all of your notes using the new navigation drawer, which includes a way to view all of your upcoming reminders in one place. And for people who want more separation between their home and work lives, the drawer also lets you easily switch between your accounts. 

And finally, we've made it easier to add your existing photos to a Google Keep note on Android. When you tap the camera icon you can choose between taking a new photo or adding one you already have from Gallery.

The new update is gradually rolling out in Google Play, and available now on the web at and in the Chrome App.

Posted by Erin Rosenthal, Product Manager

FakkuDroid v2.6.0

Read the initial message and support the project ^_^

FakkuDroid v2.6.0

New Features:

- Improve perfomance speed downloading image covers.

- Add and remove favorites (FIXED)
- Android 3.2 problems (FIXED) *
- Change Page with volume buttons (in Preference)
- Some app crashs and bugs fixeds.

*Tobighost, please, test and say me if it works now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Google Play Services 3.2

We've just finished rolling out the latest release of Google Play services to devices around the world. It offers better performance and greater power savings, as well as enhancements to the Location Based Services, maps, InstantBuy, Google+, and Photo Sphere.

To simplify your testing, we've also released an updated Google APIs emulator image that includes Google Play Services 3.2. You can download the image through the Android SDK Manager.

Maps and Location Based Services

Google Play Services 3.2 includes several enhancements to the Location Based Services. The Fused Location Provider now supports the selection of a low-power mode option when requesting location updates, and the ability to inject mock locations — allowing you to more efficiently test your apps in a variety of simulated conditions.

The geofencing APIs have been updated to support hardware-based GPS geofencing on devices that have supporting hardware, such as the Nexus 4. Hardware geofences consume significantly less battery, and best of all your app will automatically take advantage of this feature on supported hardware without you having to make any changes.

A new Snapshot feature in the maps API lets you capture a bitmap image of the current map in order to improve performance when an interactive map isn't necessary. We’ve also added a listener to the My Location button.

Google+, Photo Sphere, InstantBuy, and Analytics

If you’ve used Google+ sign-in you can take advantage of the new simplified sharing control that can be embedded directly within your app, simplifying the process of sharing content directly to Google+. We’ve also taken the opportunity to add some butter to the Google+ sign-in animation.

The Photo Sphere viewer has also been extended to include a compass mode that allows users to explore Photo Spheres by moving their phones.

The InstantBuy implementation has been improved to increase efficiency, with improved latency, a cleaner UI with contextual text and assets for the holo light theme, and support for passing through loyalty and offers information.

More About Google Play Services

To learn more about Google Play services and the APIs available to you through it, visit the Google Services area of the Android Developers site.

Monday, August 19, 2013


MyAppSharer let you to easy share your apps to your friends, you can share by market link or directly share APK (App's full package).
MyAppSharer support many method to share your apps, you can share by message, Gmail, bluetooth, what's app, facebook, QR-Code, Dropbox etc..
MyAppSharer also support share multiple apps at one time, and support instant search, easy to find your apps.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Best and Top Smartphones under 25000

A Month ago, we discussed Best smartphones under 5k range, Now its time to ride on 25000 (25k) range. Actually we never bother Whether it is Android , iOS or Windows people tend to buy those phones which satisfy their needs successfully. The List was updated up to this month, let us check the Android smartphones under 25000 even i included windows and iOS phones too

LG Nexus 4

The Main features of this phone are

  • Android v(4.2) Jelly Bean OS, first promised phone in nexus to receive future OS Updates
  • Equipped with 8MP camera includes auto focus Primary and 1.3 MP secondary
  • 4.7 True IPS Plus Screen with 1280x780 pixels
  • Powered with 1.5 GHz quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor
  • Whooping 2GB RAM and 16GB Internal Memory
  • It includes Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi and NFC
  • It came with 2100mAh Battery which ease your power problems
  • No Customisation of OS by LG, you can enjoy pure android experience
  • The Price of the Mobile is Rs 24,700/- only
Sony Xperia SP

The Main features of this phone are
  • Android v(4.1) Jelly Bean OS, Runs nice with Sony User Interface
  • Equipped with 8MP primary camera and 0.3 MP Secondary Camera 
  • 4.6 TFT Capacitive HD Touch Screen which mesmerises you
  • Powered with 1.7 GhZ Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor
  • Whooping 1GB RAM and Expandable memory upto 32 GB
  • It Includes Bluetooth, WiFi and ecompass even more features that will blow your mind
  • The price of the Mobile is Rs 20,300/- only

Panasonic P51

The Main features of this phone are
  • Android v(4.2) Jelly Bean OS, Most importantly an Dual Sim Phone
  • Equipped with 8MP camera which has Auto focus Function too
  • 5 HD IPS Screen with impressive color reproduction
  • Powered with 1.2 Quad Core Processor , good for MultiTasking
  • Whooping 1GB RAM 
  • It includes Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, and A-GPS too
  • It came with 2500mAh Battery which is very useful for Gadget lovers in power cut problems
  • The Price of the mobile is Rs 22,300/- only
Now come to the Windows OS, only one phone is listed in that category

Nokia Lumia 820

The main features of this phone are
  • Windows 8 OS, good for Nokia Lovers
  • Equipped with 8 MP Camera and it supports secondary camera too
  • 4.3 AMOLED Clear Back capacitive touch screen which runs perfect in Windows UI
  • Powered with 1.5 GhZ Dual core Krait Processor, good enough for speed tasking 
  • Whooping 1GB RAM and 64GB Expandable 
  • It has all connectivity options like Bluetooth, WiFi, and Proximity Sensor too
  • It came with 1650 mAh battery liitle bit disappointing, but it has Qi Wireless charging feature 
  • The Price of the mobile is Rs 22,500/- only

Now Finally a Dream product of Everyone Apple iPhone took a place in this list

Apple iPhone 4 (16GB)

The Main features of this Phone are
  • Apple iOS, Every Tech lover loves this
  • Equipped with 5MP camera for taking HD pictures and Videos too
  • 3.5 inches IPS Screen with 640x960 pixels, small enough when compared with top list
  • Powered with 1 GHz Cortex-A8 CPU which was Coupled with PowerVR SGX535 GPU
  • It has all connectivity options like WiFi and Bluetooth (2.1)
  • It came with a 1420 mAh Battery but well optimised phone which runs better than other
  • The Price of the Mobile is Rs 24,500/- Only

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some SecureRandom Thoughts

The Android security team has been investigating the root cause of the compromise of a bitcoin transaction that led to the update of multiple Bitcoin applications on August 11.

We have now determined that applications which use the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) for key generation, signing, or random number generation may not receive cryptographically strong values on Android devices due to improper initialization of the underlying PRNG. Applications that directly invoke the system-provided OpenSSL PRNG without explicit initialization on Android are also affected. Applications that establish TLS/SSL connections using the HttpClient and classes are not affected as those classes do seed the OpenSSL PRNG with values from /dev/urandom.

Developers who use JCA for key generation, signing or random number generation should update their applications to explicitly initialize the PRNG with entropy from /dev/urandom or /dev/random. A suggested implementation is provided at the end of this blog post. Also, developers should evaluate whether to regenerate cryptographic keys or other random values previously generated using JCA APIs such as SecureRandom, KeyGenerator, KeyPairGenerator, KeyAgreement, and Signature.

In addition to this developer recommendation, Android has developed patches that ensure that Android’s OpenSSL PRNG is initialized correctly. Those patches have been provided to OHA partners.

We would like to thank Soo Hyeon Kim, Daewan Han of ETRI and Dong Hoon Lee of Korea University who notified Google about the improper initialization of OpenSSL PRNG.

Update: the original code sample below crashed on a small fraction of Android devices due to /dev/urandom not being writable. We have now updated the code sample to handle this case gracefully.

* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will Google be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, as long as the origin is not misrepresented.

import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Process;
import android.util.Log;


* Fixes for the output of the default PRNG having low entropy.
* The fixes need to be applied via {@link #apply()} before any use of Java
* Cryptography Architecture primitives. A good place to invoke them is in the
* application's {@code onCreate}.
public final class PRNGFixes {

private static final int VERSION_CODE_JELLY_BEAN = 16;
private static final int VERSION_CODE_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 = 18;
private static final byte[] BUILD_FINGERPRINT_AND_DEVICE_SERIAL =

/** Hidden constructor to prevent instantiation. */
private PRNGFixes() {}

* Applies all fixes.
* @throws SecurityException if a fix is needed but could not be applied.
public static void apply() {

* Applies the fix for OpenSSL PRNG having low entropy. Does nothing if the
* fix is not needed.
* @throws SecurityException if the fix is needed but could not be applied.
private static void applyOpenSSLFix() throws SecurityException {
// No need to apply the fix

try {
// Mix in the device- and invocation-specific seed.
.getMethod("RAND_seed", byte[].class)
.invoke(null, generateSeed());

// Mix output of Linux PRNG into OpenSSL's PRNG
int bytesRead = (Integer) Class.forName(
.getMethod("RAND_load_file", String.class, long.class)
.invoke(null, "/dev/urandom", 1024);
if (bytesRead != 1024) {
throw new IOException(
"Unexpected number of bytes read from Linux PRNG: "
+ bytesRead);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SecurityException("Failed to seed OpenSSL PRNG", e);

* Installs a Linux PRNG-backed {@code SecureRandom} implementation as the
* default. Does nothing if the implementation is already the default or if
* there is not need to install the implementation.
* @throws SecurityException if the fix is needed but could not be applied.
private static void installLinuxPRNGSecureRandom()
throws SecurityException {
// No need to apply the fix

// Install a Linux PRNG-based SecureRandom implementation as the
// default, if not yet installed.
Provider[] secureRandomProviders =
if ((secureRandomProviders == null)
|| (secureRandomProviders.length < 1)
|| (!LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider.class.equals(
secureRandomProviders[0].getClass()))) {
Security.insertProviderAt(new LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider(), 1);

// Assert that new SecureRandom() and
// SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") return a SecureRandom backed
// by the Linux PRNG-based SecureRandom implementation.
SecureRandom rng1 = new SecureRandom();
if (!LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider.class.equals(
rng1.getProvider().getClass())) {
throw new SecurityException(
"new SecureRandom() backed by wrong Provider: "
+ rng1.getProvider().getClass());

SecureRandom rng2;
try {
rng2 = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new SecurityException("SHA1PRNG not available", e);
if (!LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider.class.equals(
rng2.getProvider().getClass())) {
throw new SecurityException(
"SecureRandom.getInstance(\"SHA1PRNG\") backed by wrong"
+ " Provider: " + rng2.getProvider().getClass());

* {@code Provider} of {@code SecureRandom} engines which pass through
* all requests to the Linux PRNG.
private static class LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider extends Provider {

public LinuxPRNGSecureRandomProvider() {
"A Linux-specific random number provider that uses"
+ " /dev/urandom");
// Although /dev/urandom is not a SHA-1 PRNG, some apps
// explicitly request a SHA1PRNG SecureRandom and we thus need to
// prevent them from getting the default implementation whose output
// may have low entropy.
put("SecureRandom.SHA1PRNG", LinuxPRNGSecureRandom.class.getName());
put("SecureRandom.SHA1PRNG ImplementedIn", "Software");

* {@link SecureRandomSpi} which passes all requests to the Linux PRNG
* ({@code /dev/urandom}).
public static class LinuxPRNGSecureRandom extends SecureRandomSpi {

* IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Requests to generate bytes and to mix in a seed
* are passed through to the Linux PRNG (/dev/urandom). Instances of
* this class seed themselves by mixing in the current time, PID, UID,
* build fingerprint, and hardware serial number (where available) into
* Linux PRNG.
* Concurrency: Read requests to the underlying Linux PRNG are
* serialized (on sLock) to ensure that multiple threads do not get
* duplicated PRNG output.

private static final File URANDOM_FILE = new File("/dev/urandom");

private static final Object sLock = new Object();

* Input stream for reading from Linux PRNG or {@code null} if not yet
* opened.
* @GuardedBy("sLock")
private static DataInputStream sUrandomIn;

* Output stream for writing to Linux PRNG or {@code null} if not yet
* opened.
* @GuardedBy("sLock")
private static OutputStream sUrandomOut;

* Whether this engine instance has been seeded. This is needed because
* each instance needs to seed itself if the client does not explicitly
* seed it.
private boolean mSeeded;

protected void engineSetSeed(byte[] bytes) {
try {
OutputStream out;
synchronized (sLock) {
out = getUrandomOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
// On a small fraction of devices /dev/urandom is not writable.
// Log and ignore.
"Failed to mix seed into " + URANDOM_FILE);
} finally {
mSeeded = true;

protected void engineNextBytes(byte[] bytes) {
if (!mSeeded) {
// Mix in the device- and invocation-specific seed.

try {
DataInputStream in;
synchronized (sLock) {
in = getUrandomInputStream();
synchronized (in) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException(
"Failed to read from " + URANDOM_FILE, e);

protected byte[] engineGenerateSeed(int size) {
byte[] seed = new byte[size];
return seed;

private DataInputStream getUrandomInputStream() {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (sUrandomIn == null) {
// NOTE: Consider inserting a BufferedInputStream between
// DataInputStream and FileInputStream if you need higher
// PRNG output performance and can live with future PRNG
// output being pulled into this process prematurely.
try {
sUrandomIn = new DataInputStream(
new FileInputStream(URANDOM_FILE));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Failed to open "
+ URANDOM_FILE + " for reading", e);
return sUrandomIn;

private OutputStream getUrandomOutputStream() throws IOException {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (sUrandomOut == null) {
sUrandomOut = new FileOutputStream(URANDOM_FILE);
return sUrandomOut;

* Generates a device- and invocation-specific seed to be mixed into the
* Linux PRNG.
private static byte[] generateSeed() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream seedBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream seedBufferOut =
new DataOutputStream(seedBuffer);
return seedBuffer.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Failed to generate seed", e);

* Gets the hardware serial number of this device.
* @return serial number or {@code null} if not available.
private static String getDeviceSerialNumber() {
// We're using the Reflection API because Build.SERIAL is only available
// since API Level 9 (Gingerbread, Android 2.3).
try {
return (String) Build.class.getField("SERIAL").get(null);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return null;

private static byte[] getBuildFingerprintAndDeviceSerial() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String fingerprint = Build.FINGERPRINT;
if (fingerprint != null) {
String serial = getDeviceSerialNumber();
if (serial != null) {
try {
return result.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 encoding not supported");

Advanced Mobile Care

Advanced Mobile Care is an all-in-one Android security and performance optimization app that performs real-time virus scans while also featuring a brand new Anti-theft, powerful Game Speeder, Battery Saver, Call Blocker, App Manager, Task Killer, Privacy Locker, Privacy Advisor and Cloud Backup.
Advanced Mobile Care is a veritable Swiss Army knife for Android tuning up. It gives Android users an excellent way to protect their smartphones from Android security and performance problems. Download for FREE and get the most out of your Android device!