Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Latest on Google Android From MWC’08

One of the potentially hottest and most important upcoming technologies posing a challenge to Microsoft’s Windows Mobile is Google’s Android operating system. Google, along with the “Open Handset Alliance,” announced in November the upcoming platform, and that many of the largest handset manufacturers and most important cellular service providers in the world are supporting it.

Although nowhere near as polished as the offerings from Sony Ericsson, Samsung and the rest, a number of Android prototypes and reference designs are on show here at the Mobile World Congress. Android is different from most existing smartphone platforms such as Windows Mobile and Palm OS because it’s “open source,” meaning the code is being made freely available to anyone interested in seeing it in a completely transparent way. As a result, third party software developers and handset manufacturers have tremendous flexibility in writing add-on applications and creating enhancements to it. In some instances, users won’t even be able to distinguish between native and third party programs as a result.

There is good reason to expect the platform to take marketshare. Besides being supported by the multi-hundred billion dollar powerhouse Google, the Open Handset Alliance includes multi-billion dollar powerhouses such as HTC, Motorola, LG and Samsung. In the United States, Sprint and T-Mobile will offer Android devices. An early look at the Android SDK was released in November, and Google announced $10 million in prizes for the best third party software applications developed for it.

[Via Linux and Open Source Blog]

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Samsung to release a "high end" Android powered phone in September

Robert X. Cringely is claiming that he has information on two upcoming Android powered devices. Both of them are made by Samsung, but are actually Google branded. The "high end" model is supposed to come out in September with a sub $100 (with or without contract?) model expected after Christmas. He goes on to say that both have WiFi built in and might actually come with a built in VoIP client.

[Via IntoMobile]

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Google releases new Android SDK

Android SDK m5-rc14 now available today.

There are a couple of changes in m5-rc14 I'd like to highlight:

  • New user interface - As I mentioned when we introduced the m3 version
    of the Android SDK, we're continuing to refine the UI that's available
    for Android. m5-rc14 replaces the previous placeholder with a new UI,
    but as before, work on it is still in-progress.
  • Layout animations - Developers can now create layout animations for their applications using the capabilities introduced in the android.view.animation package. Check out the LayoutAnimation*.java files in the APIDemos sample code for examples of how this works.
  • Geo-coding - android.location.Geocoder
    enables developers to forward and reverse geo-code (i.e. translate an
    address into a coordinate and vice-versa), and also search for
  • New media codecs - The MediaPlayer class has added support for the OGG Vorbis, MIDI, XMF, iMelody, RTTL/RTX, and OTA audio file formats.
  • Updated Eclipse plug-in
    - A new version of ADT is available and provides improvements to the
    Android developer experience. In particular, check out the new Android
    Manifest editor.
You can download the new SDK here:


If you have already downloaded an earlier version of the SDK and developed applications on it, please read the Upgrading the SDK document instead. The Upgrading document explains
how to migrate your existing development environment and applications to the new SDK release. The document also provides
information that you will find useful during the upgrade, such as lists of framework and API changes.

To develop Android applications using the code and tools in the
Android SDK, you need a suitable development computer and development
environment, as described below.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows XP or Vista
  • Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
  • Linux (tested on Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake)

Supported Development Environments

Note: If JDK is already installed on your development computer,
please take a moment to make sure that it meets the version
requirements listed above. In
particular, note that some Linux distributions may include JDK 1.4 or
Gnu Compiler for Java, both of which are not supported for Android

Take a look at our extensive gallery of pics right here.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Google releases new Android SDK

Google released a new version of the software developer kit for its Android mobile open development platform on Wednesday.

The new SDK has a new user interface, a geocoder that lets developers search for businesses as well as translate an address into a coordinate and vice versa, support for new media codecs, and code that lets developers create layout animations.

One thing missing is change to the telephony package, laments one developer on the Android Developer discussion on Google Groups.

"This is very disappointing, especially because we were told in the Android coding day in Israel that the telephony package will be updated soon," the developer wrote. "We still cannot detect the ingoing/outgoing call number or send DTMF tones properly." Prototypes of Android phones were shown at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Monday. Google launched Android in November along with and the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 handset manufacturers, carriers and chipmakers that have said they plan to support Android products and services. Products are due out later this year.

Source: CNet News

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Android is Fast

Quote from InformationWeek:
The one thing I will say is, Android is fast, fast, fast. Like, OMG fast. Faster than any phone UI I've had a chance to play with before.

Android Not Ready for Prime Time

Parse the onslaught of announcements streaming out of the Mobile World Congress confab in Barcelona and it's clear that Google phones aren't ready for prime time.

Though this year's show had been widely seen as the global launching pad for the Internet giant's mobile developer platform, Android, the few handset prototypes on display from chipmakers ARM, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments lack sophistication.

ARM's model resembles a plain, clunky smart phone. Qualcomm's is an ungainly mélange of circuit boards and screens. TI's boasts a large screen full of square icons for one-click access to messaging, videos, lists and maps. All are somewhat speculative test models, however, as Google hasn't yet released specifications for Android phones. Nevertheless, a Google representative at the show confirmed that Android handsets will hit the market in the second half of the year as planned.

The threat of Google appears to be inspiring some match-ups between Microsoft and other mobile firms. Microsoft announced Monday that it agreed to acquire Danger, the maker of Sidekick phones, which have been a hit with teens. The move could bolster Microsoft's mobile business against Android by broadening its reach and appeal beyond Windows Mobile-powered smart phones. In an interesting twist, Palo Alto, Calif.-based Danger was founded by Andy Rubin, who now heads Android.

Sony Ericsson, which holds a 16% stake in Symbian, the company that produces the mobile operating system of the same name, announced Sunday that its flashy new smart phone, Xperia X1, would run on Windows Mobile, a key Symbian rival. Microsoft has hinted that Nokia, which owns half of Symbian, will also start licensing Windows Mobile.

Other open-source alliances are also battling Google. LiMo, a global consortium of mobile companies, is working overtime to release an open-source mobile platform before Android gets more traction.

Those at the Barcelona conference searching for sleek phones have been rewarded with dozens of new playthings. Beyond its flagship Xperia X1, Sony Ericsson, a joint venture of Sony and Ericsson, demonstrated several touchscreen handsets and some Cyber-shot-branded camera phones. Nokia unveiled four new multimedia mobile phones, including a successor to its best-selling N95 phone, which plays TV shows. LG also debuted four handsets, including an advanced version of its famous Prada phone. Samsung showed a dozen handsets that filled every market niche, from high-end smart phones with 5 megapixel cameras to simple, $200 candy bar-style phones.

The conference itself is undergoing a transformation. Formerly called 3GSM World Congress, in a nod to the mobile technology that's dominant in Europe, it was long viewed as a European-focused trade show. This year, the show, which expects 50,000 attendees, is more globally focused. CEOs from North American tech giants Cisco Systems, Qualcomm and Research in Motion are scheduled to give keynotes alongside executives from China Mobile, Finland's Nokia, Korea's SK Telecom and the U.K.'s Vodafone.

Source: Forbes

Monday, February 11, 2008

Android Hands-On Video: It's Fast, It's Still Not There

There is a great story over at with a video of Android.

From the site:

We have been playing with the Android prototypes
scattered through the Mobile World Congress here in Barcelona. ARM had
theirs running on one of their lower-end processors. No fancy graphics
demos, no iPhone-style multimedia fizzbang, just a humble ARM9
processor in a plain white prototype "to demonstrate the scalability of
Android" and serve as a "development platform." Our verdict: it works,
it's fluid, but it's boring. Qualcomm's Android prototype, however, is
a real beast.

Read the rest of the story and watch the video here:

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Android software debuts in Barcelona

The first mobile phones fitted with Google's Android software platform made their debut at an industry trade show on Monday, a key advance in the struggle to bring the power of desktop computing to handsets.

Google launched Android last year, hoping to establish its software as the dominant operating system for mobile phones and to improve the quality of web-browsing for handset users.

"What is happening with Android today is that we are seeing a number of technology companies demonstrating how Android will operate on their technology," Google spokesman Barry Schnitt told AFP on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress.

Although the technology on display Monday is in prototype form, experts and journalists were so eager to witness its demonstration that all places for private displays were booked out on Monday within the first hour of the show.

"It's definitely very promising," an analyst for technology research firm Gartner, Carolina Milanesi, told AFP. "This means that we should be on track to see commercial devices in the second half of 2008."

She stressed however that "the road between a prototype and commercial handset is a long one."

Google announced a broad 34-member group called the "Open Handset Alliance" in November last year to develop Android, including China Mobile, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, Telefonica, LG and eBay.

The demonstrations Monday were by a handful of chip makers -- ARM, Marvell, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, NEC and ST Microelectronics -- which showed Android working in prototype form, the companies and sources confirmed.

"We're demonstrating a prototype of Android," a spokesman for ARM told AFP.

US chip maker Texas Instruments is to demonstrate another prototype phone later Monday in public.

Android is open-source software, meaning its code is available to other developers for free allowing them to build applications and features that can function on the operating platform.

The idea for Google is that Android will lead to radically improved functionality, notably for web browsing, meaning more people will use their mobile phones for Internet surfing.

Currently, surfing the Internet on a mobile phone can still be a frustrating experience, with clunky software and slow download speeds.

"There are few phones that provide a compelling web experience," explained Google's Schnitt.

"As people use the web more, they'll use Google more, and we'll be able to sell more relevant advertising."

Milanesi said that the ultimate test of Android's success would be how easily applications could be used.

"It should have everything that we see on the PC, not just shrunk down to work on a mobile phone but really being optimised for a mobile phone," she said.

Android faces competition from the world's biggest mobile phone maker, Nokia, and its Symbian system; US software giant Microsoft, the maker of Windows; and a separate consortium working on an open-source Linux solution.

The interest in a new software platform from Google stems from the company's desire to establish its brand in emerging markets.

"If you look at emerging markets, people are more likely to have their first browsing experience on a phone not a PC (personal computer)," said Milanesi.

Google surprised analysts when it unveiled Android last November. They had expected the Internet giant to announce the launch of its own gPhone to compete against Apple's popular iPhone.

"Imagine not just a single Google phone, or G-phone, but thousands of G-phones made by a variety of manufacturers," said Google chief executive Eric Schmidt at the time.

This could be Android's weak spot, however.

Taiwan's HTC and ailing US manufacturer Motorola are the two main handset manufacturers in the Open Handset Alliance.

"For it to become a worldwide platform and drive uptake, they need more manufacturers onboard," said Milanesi.

Source: Yahoo News

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Up To A Dozen 'Gphone' Prototypes Expected At GSMA

As many as one dozen handset makers and chip companies are expected next week to unveil mobile phone prototypes designed to operate with Google Inc.'s (GOOG) new Android software platform, a source familiar with the situation said Friday.

One analyst said the number companies preparing to show off their wares at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona amounts to "a small but symbolic step" forward for the Internet search and advertising giant, which has set it sights on the nascent but potentially lucrative mobile ad market.

"Having prototypes is a signal, but not a promise, that the phones will be out there," said Bill Hughes, analyst at In-Stat consultancy.

Hughes said the success of Google's effort to develop a next-generation mobile phone will largely depend on convincing independent developers - whom Google is counting on to add all the bells and whistles to its mobile phone software - that there will be a broad market for their applications.

Without evidence that the Android project has momentum, developers will be unlikely to spend time designing applications for Google's mobile software.

Google is hoping its mobile phone initiative will one day enable wireless subscribers to easily surf the Internet without restrictions - and allow advertisers to reach consumers through their handsets.

Google declined to comment on a recent report that it planned show off a prototype of its own so-called "Gphone" next week, but a spokesman noted the company has been working with a number of partners to develop handset prototypes.

"We're very excited about the momentum building behind the platform as demonstrated by the number of companies that are supporting it with their technology," the spokesman said.

One prototype will belong to ARM Holdings PLC (ARM), a British company that develops architectural designs for chips and sells them to semiconductor manufacturers such Texas Instruments Inc. (TXN), NEC Corp. (6701.TO) and Samsung Electronics Co. (005930.SE).

The company has said it will next week demonstrate a prototype of an ARM- powered handset running the Android platform. An ARM spokesperson declined to provide more details but cautioned that the prototype would not have all the features, or the final look and feel of a production device.

The Internet giant last November announced that month it had cobbled together an alliance of carriers, hardware makers and software companies to develop mobile phone software that it hopes will be the foundation for an industry based on open standards.

The announcement was seen as a disappointment, coming after months of speculation that Google was poised to unveil a handset that would compete with Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) popular but expensive iPhone.

It was not clear which other companies plan to demonstrate prototypes next week. Handset makers High Tech Computer Corp. (2498.TW), LG Electronics Inc. ( 066570.SE), Motorola Inc. (MOT) and Samsung, as well as chip makers such as Intel Corp. (INTC), Broadcom Corp. (BRCM) and Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) are all part of the Open Handset Alliance.

Google said last November that it expected the first Android phones would hit the market in the second half of 2008.

Source: CNNMoney

Thursday, February 7, 2008

ARM Google phone platform demo due Monday

British chip designer ARM will demonstrate a prototype of Google Inc's Android mobile phone platform in action next week at the world's biggest wireless fair, a source close to the company said.

It was not immediately clear on Thursday what the working model that ARM plans to show at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona would look like or who would supply the parts.

Google plans to deploy phones and services using the Android platform commercially in the second half of this year.

Google and ARM declined to comment on the report.

Google established an alliance of more than 30 carriers, handset makers, software firms and chipmakers in November to develop Android, which is based on open-source software and designed to make the Internet work better on mobile phones.

Deutsche Telekom's T-Mobile and Taiwan's High Tech Computer Corp (HTC) have said that they plan to offer phones based on the Android platform this year.

Internet search leader Google's entry into the wireless industry will upset established relationships between carriers, cellphone makers and customers and could challenge Nokia, Microsoft Corp and Apple Inc, among others.

Google is also bidding for wireless spectrum in the United States in a move that pits it against entrenched carriers like AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

Its operator partners in the Open Handset Alliance include China Mobile, NTT DoCoMo, KDDI and Telefonica -- all of which have said they are working with handset makers to develop Google-based phones.

Research firm Strategy Analytics has estimated that Android will be in 2 percent of smartphones this year.

Source: Reuters

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Android and the Mobile Advertising Market

Even if the way “how Google will really profit from Android” still a mystery until today, the answer is certainly around advertising. The mobile advertising market is really booming, even if some market predection are confusing, for example according to ABI research Mobile Marketing revenue will hit the $24 Billion in 2013, jumping from just $1.8 Billion in 2007, while consultancy Forrester in the other side predict revenue under $1 billion by 2012. Open Handset Magazine asked the emerging players in the mobile advertising market about Android and mobile marketing. Admob and Millennial Media accepted to answer our questions.

OHM: What do you think about Android Mobile Platform?

Eric EllerEric Eller, SVP Products and Marketing at Millennial Media

With good reason, there is lots of excitement surrounding any open initiative. It provides increased opportunity for developers to be creative and innovative while taking an active role in the future of consumer applications and services. More mobile applications mean more choices and more compelling content for users, which will lead to higher mobile usage - obviously a positive thing for the industry.

Jason SperoJason Spero, VP Marketing at Admob :

The launch of the iPhone and the announcement of the Android project are about users. The potential of the mobile ecosystem has been well documented (and well marketed). Many blame the Operators for the perceived lack of progress toward this potential, but a variety of forces have constrained the user experience on the mobile device. These include: device form factor, text entry and capabilities, network speeds and capabilities, billing mechanisms, discovery mechanisms, non-commerce monetization mechanisms, fragmentation of application platforms, fragmentation of browser platforms and more. Each of these needs to be addressed for mobile to achieve its promise. Apple and Google recognize the opportunity and have grown frustrated with the pace at which the obstacles are being address.

Android is a market development effort. Google understands the opportunity for its business model once the mobile internet takes off. Google is now working actively to accelerate that takeoff. Android addresses some (but not all) of the ecosystem needs. In theory, the availability of a robust underlying software platform will reduce fragmentation for application developers, decrease cost and time to market for device manufacturers and spark a new wave of competition in device form factors that will deliver better user experience for mobile data. This will drive use of the mobile internet. In theory. What remains to be seen is how manufacturers will leverage and extend Android to their needs and whether this will undermine the core goal of decreasing fragmentation. But we remain hopeful that Android will deliver on its promise.

AdMob has had a front row seat for the acceleration of the mobile internet in 2006 and 2007. We see dramatic progress against the constraints to mobile web usage.

* Devices are dramatically improved even before the impact of iPhone and Android
* Increases in network speeds have improved the mobile browsing experience
* Simpler data pricing models have made mobile internet more accessible for all
* Content providers have a viable means to monetize their offerings via advertising
* Discovery is being addressed via search, directories and advertising

The launch of the iPhone gave the market a picture of what a mobile data experience could be. This is an example that has catalyzed investment against all of the requirements for mobile data. The iPhone and Android have accelerated something that was already happening.

AdMob is pro mobile internet for all the same reasons that Google is pro mobile internet. AdMob is device agnostic and can benefit from any and all improvements in the mobile web experience. The launch of Android devices in 2008 and beyond will drive increased usage of the mobile internet. Google has said that it will keep separate its market development efforts via Android from its search and AdSense businesses. AdMob believes this ensures fair competition. So AdMob, awaits the arrival of Android devices in the same way we anticipate innovation from Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and others. Improvements in user experience will drive usage, which is all we can ask.

OHM: How could Google Android change the mobile advertising market?

Eric E.: “Google is obviously a major player in online advertising and anything they do in the mobile space will have an impact. What remains to be seen is the nature of that impact. On the one hand, by enabling developers to quickly create new innovative mobile applications, Android could help increase the availability of mobile content that is available for free using the ad-supported model. On the other hand, if developers are compelled to preferentially utilize Google advertising services versus other opportunities in the market, the perception of openness will disappear.”

Jason S.: “The mobile ad market is already growing rapidly.

If Android delivers an improved user experience this will drive usage of the mobile internet. This will further accelerate the growing interest in reaching users on their mobile devices and will motivate more and more content providers to invest in mobile. User experience improvements will drive both supply of and demand for mobile advertising.”

Source: Open Handset Magazine

Monday, February 4, 2008

Deadline Extension for the Android Developer Challenge

Google is extending the submission deadline for the first Android Developers Challenge to 14 April 2008. They've made significant updates to the SDK that will be released in several weeks. In order to give you extra time to take advantage of these forthcoming UI and API enhancements, they've decided to extend the submission deadline. In addition, a fair number of developers have also asked for more time to build and polish their apps.

Here is the updated time line:

April 14, 2008: Deadline to submit applications for judging
May 5, 2008: Announcement of the 50 first round winners, who will be eligible for the final round
June 30, 2008: Deadline for the 50 winners of the first round to submit for the final round
July 21, 2008: Announcement of the grand prize winner and runner-up

Google updating Android dev kit

Google today said it would upgrade the developer kit for its Android mobile OS, providing a significant upgrade to the Linux-based software based on feedback from programmers. The company does not say exactly what its enhancements will include but notes that both the user interface and the programming interface itself will receive upgrades. The delay is enough to justify pushing back the deadline for the Developers Challenge until April 14th, Google says, though the change will not force any software developers to migrate to the new code in the same timeframe.

"We're looking forward to seeing some great apps, especially after we've had a chance to incorporate some of your feedback into the Android platform," says Google's Developer Advocate Quang Nguyen.

The change is believed to be in response to numerous bug complaints from developers, who in the early stages of development criticized Google for supplying too little documentation and requiring excessive steps to accomplish simple user interface goals.


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