Thursday, December 27, 2007

DoCoMo, Google to join forces, say Japanese reports

Japan's biggest mobile carrier, NTT DoCoMo Inc., will partner with Google Inc. to provide search and e-mail on its handsets, news reports claimed today.

As early as this spring, DoCoMo subscribers may be able to access Google's search tool, as well as the Gmail e-mail service, Google Calendar scheduler and Picasa photo-sharer, using the former's i-Mode network, said the Reuters news service and Japan's main business daily, The Nikkei. Each cited unnamed sources within DoCoMo.

DoCoMo's growth has fallen behind that of smaller carriers in Japan, said the reports -- a problem that has forced the company to scramble to match rivals such as SoftBank Mobile Corp. and KDDI Corp., which have put more resources into developing wireless Internet services.


Google Mobile Phones Debut in Feb?

There is new going around about a February debut of the new Google/Android Phone.

Here are a few links to news stories about this. There is no real info so it seems like this might be all speculation. Hopefully we will see soon. This new after everyone has been saying Android is not ready, buggy and hard to develop on.


The article says that Apple will be missing and Google will be attending.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sci-Tech Today | Report: Google's Android Full of Bugs

Report: Google's Android Full of Bugs

Following reports that Google's Android platform for mobile devices is buggy, IDC's Chris Hazelton pointed out that developers are being asked to "design an application when they don't even know what the interface is." Android devices are expected "sometime in the second half of 2008," he said, so there is time for problems to be worked out.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wifi Army Game application!

This is awesome...

Giving you a peek at what kind of gaming platform Google's Android will host is the Wi-Fi Army developed by W2Pi Entertainment. The company hopes to win funds from the Android Challenge. This shooter game involves the 3 technologies - GPS, Google Maps, and camera phone. Instead of using video graphics, you can engage real people in a (gun) phone fight. The camera phone functions as your scope to hunt other players. The GPS is used to locate other players within 300 feet radius. Once another player is detected within the range, you will be notified about this new found enemy. Google Maps provides support to find other players. Sounds cool! Presently this game allows only 500 people to play per city. The icing on the cake is that this game is Free!

Source: Newlaunches

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Android Hardware In The Wild: Google Android Prototype In the Wild

Android Hardware In The Wild: Google Android Prototype In the Wild: "Here's the first gorgeous shot of an Google Android prototype in the wild. It looks HTC-ish in build, similar to the grainy versions we've seen in the official videos and the renderings in the SDK emulator. Our source, a Giz reader, had some feedback to add to the prototype, which he used for a day: Even in early form, it's light and fast, much faster than the desktop emulator at times. And as a longtime programmer, he thinks it's a lot more put together than Window Mobile 5 on the back side of things. It's a prototype, so things will obviously change, but these are all great signs. I just pray that hardware by other makers is a lot more adventurous. In my mind, those HTC designs remind me a little too much of WM and will for a long time. [Thanks Tipster X]"

Friday, December 14, 2007

» Nokia dismisses Google Android threat at its peril | Open Source |

Nokia dismisses Google Android threat at its peril by ZDNet's Dana Blankenhorn -- Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, "Olli-mandias" and CEO of Nokia, sneeringly dismisses Google's Android effort with a figurative wave of the hand.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Android's Got Game - Dodge Balls

Check out the vid below of the first game developed for Android that I've seen so far. You can also download the source code HERE.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Japanese cell phone operator gets Android running

The latest public demo comes from Willcom, with the PHS operator showing a core module based on Android in Tokyo last week. Aside from demo-ing a spot of multi-tasking by receiving a call while browsing Google Maps, everything is pretty much as expected. Check out some pics HERE.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Google Android runs on Sharp Zaurus SL-C760

Looks like the guys over at have managed to get Google Android running on a Sharp Zaurus SL-C760. This seems to be the first documented success with this device. Check out the article HERE.

Android: MapMe

This application is based on BrowseMap by Davanum Srinivas, a simple Google Maps viewer for Android which lets you:

  • Browse Google maps on Android
  • Zoom in and out
  • Move around with the mouse (could be touchscreen on a real device)
  • Toggle traffic and satellite view
  • Find location

(The basic functionality is the same as the Maps application that already ships with Android)

However MapMe adds several features on top of this basic functionality thanks to db4o object persistence engine such as:

  • Bookmark location to db4o (full map persistence including zoom levels and satellite & traffic view)
  • Browse list of bookmarks
  • Edit bookmark
  • Navigate to location on map from bookmark
  • Center map on current GPS reported location


To see the application in action you can watch the MapMe video on YouTube, a high resolution video (30 Mb) on an external server or the following screenshots:

db4o headquarters (satellite + traffic view)

MapMe main menu:

Creation of bookmark/navpoint:

List of saved bookmarks/navpoints:

More info!

Android Password Manager

This is an adaptation of PasswordSafe by Steven Osborn (released under the Apache License) which is basic password manager for the Android platform. The source code have been adapted to use db4o instead of SQLite which makes the handling of persistence much more intuitive while still being fast.


The application basically stores login information for websites such as url, username and password in a secure way using 128 Bit AES Encryption. The user must provide the correct password in order to access the application and this password is then used to encrypt/decrypt the data.

This is a sample video of the db4o powered application running on the Android Emulator:

If you check the source code (see the end of this page) you'll see that the the DBHelper class (SQLite persistence) has been replaced by the Db4oHelper class (db4o persistence). Let me now show you some of the differences between handling persistence with db4o and SQLite.

Link for more info and download:

db4o - the database for Android

db4o: Persistence for Android

  • Native Java queries
  • 600K footprint
  • Easiest database you have ever used
  • Object persistence out-of-the-box

db4o - the database for Android
Google has created a stir with the release of the Android SDK, a comprehensive software platform for mobile phones that was recently announced at the Open Handset Alliance. The Java programming API and the fact that it is free makes it an ideal platform for millions of application developers - and immediately compatible to db4o.

Only hours after the Android release the db4objects team had some quick evaluations of the SDK running with db4o. The result: db4o runs without a snag on Android and is much easier to use than SQLite.

Important Links:

Use Object-Oriented Database Technology for Android...
While Your Competitors Struggle With Flat Files or SQL.

Embed db4o's super-light database engine into your Android project and store any object structure with only one line of code - no more mapping required!

Powerful and lean at the same time, you can now build more data- and feature-rich applications, that propel you far ahead of competition and that make your users and customers cheer.

Enjoy superior performance, zero-administration, transaction safety, encryption, automatic deployment, shared memory processing, and much more. Out of the box.

db4o for Android
Download and test drive the world's most popular object database! It's free and open source under the GPL!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Verizon joins Google alliance, isolates AT&T

Verizon made a surprise move yesterday and joined the recently established Open Handset Alliance, Google's organization for promoting open software development for cellphones and other handhelds. The move will see Verizon use Google's Linux-based, open-source Android operating system on some phones. The software is an "enabler" that will let Verizon move towards an open platform, says company chief Lowell McAdam.

The decision comes just days after Verizon announced its unlocked device strategy, which will create a second tier of service that allows users to use unlocked phones and other devices and run software that has not been explicitly sanctioned by the carrier, including potentially competitive software such as VoIP tools. Previously, Verizon has often been held as an example of the restrictiveness allowed by American telecom regulations, with the company often insisting on its customized software and disabling hardware features such as Bluetooth file transfers to drive customers to paid services.

This change of heart was first triggered by efforts from Google and others to insist that the upcoming FCC auction for the 700MHz frequency band come with an open access rule, according to McAdam. The rule would obligate any winning bidder to allow any compatible device and any software to run on a service using the airspace. Verizon initially resisted the move, trying to sue to protect its business model and engage in suspicious lobbying but quickly dropping these efforts. Android helps as its open nature makes it reasonable to offer a similarly open service, the Verizon chief says.

The sudden switch leaves three out of four major US carriers embracing the Open Handset Alliance, potentially isolating and increasing pressure on AT&T. While Sprint and T-Mobile signed on as Alliance launch partners, AT&T has so far remained on the sidelines and is only considering the move while retaining its existing policy. As a GSM provider, AT&T is more open and allows users to run non-sanctioned, unlocked devices with a valid SIM (subscriber information) card but has not made any plans to carry phones of its own with unrestricted software.

Source: Electronista

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Keep this company on your Google Apps radar. More to come in the near future.

Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices

Group Pledges to Unleash Innovation for Mobile Users Worldwide

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.; BONN, Germany; TAOYUAN, Taiwan; SAN DIEGO, Calif.; SCHAUMBERG, Ill., November 5, 2007 -- A broad alliance of leading technology and wireless companies today joined forces to announce the development of Android, the first truly open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices. Google Inc., T-Mobile, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola and others have collaborated on the development of Android through the Open Handset Alliance, a multinational alliance of technology and mobile industry leaders.

This alliance shares a common goal of fostering innovation on mobile devices and giving consumers a far better user experience than much of what is available on today's mobile platforms. By providing developers a new level of openness that enables them to work more collaboratively, Android will accelerate the pace at which new and compelling mobile services are made available to consumers.

With nearly 3 billion users worldwide, the mobile phone has become the most personal and ubiquitous communications device. However, the lack of a collaborative effort has made it a challenge for developers, wireless operators and handset manufacturers to respond as quickly as possible to the ever-changing needs of savvy mobile consumers. Through Android, developers, wireless operators and handset manufacturers will be better positioned to bring to market innovative new products faster and at a much lower cost. The end result will be an unprecedented mobile platform that will enable wireless operators and manufacturers to give their customers better, more personal and more flexible mobile experiences.

Thirty-four companies have formed the Open Handset Alliance, which aims to develop technologies that will significantly lower the cost of developing and distributing mobile devices and services. The Android platform is the first step in this direction -- a fully integrated mobile "software stack" that consists of an operating system, middleware, user-friendly interface and applications. Consumers should expect the first phones based on Android to be available in the second half of 2008.

The Android platform will be made available under one of the most progressive, developer-friendly open-source licenses, which gives mobile operators and device manufacturers significant freedom and flexibility to design products. Next week the Alliance will release an early access software development kit to provide developers with the tools necessary to create innovative and compelling applications for the platform.

Android holds the promise of unprecedented benefits for consumers, developers and manufacturers of mobile services and devices. Handset manufacturers and wireless operators will be free to customize Android in order to bring to market innovative new products faster and at a much lower cost. Developers will have complete access to handset capabilities and tools that will enable them to build more compelling and user-friendly services, bringing the Internet developer model to the mobile space. And consumers worldwide will have access to less expensive mobile devices that feature more compelling services, rich Internet applications and easier-to-use interfaces -- ultimately creating a superior mobile experience.

Open Software, Open Device, Open Ecosystem

"This partnership will help unleash the potential of mobile technology for billions of users around the world. A fresh approach to fostering innovation in the mobile industry will help shape a new computing environment that will change the way people access and share information in the future," said Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt. "Today's announcement is more ambitious than any single 'Google Phone' that the press has been speculating about over the past few weeks. Our vision is that the powerful platform we're unveiling will power thousands of different phone models."

"As a founding member of the Open Handset Alliance, T-Mobile is committed to innovation and fostering an open platform for wireless services to meet the rapidly evolving and emerging needs of wireless customers," said René Obermann, Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Telekom, parent company of T-Mobile. "Google has been an established partner for T-Mobile's groundbreaking approach to bring the mobile open Internet to the mass market. We see the Android platform as an exciting opportunity to launch robust wireless Internet and Web 2.0 services for T-Mobile customers in the US and Europe in 2008."

"HTC's trademark on the mobile industry has been its ability to drive cutting-edge innovation into a wide variety of mobile devices to create the perfect match for individuals," said Peter Chou, Chief Executive Officer, HTC Corp. "Our participation in the Open Handset Alliance and integration of the Android platform in the second half of 2008 enables us to expand our device portfolio into a new category of connected mobile phones that will change the complexion of the mobile industry and re-create user expectations of the mobile phone experience."

"The convergence of the wireless and Internet industries is creating new partnerships, evolving business models and driving innovation," said Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer of Qualcomm. "We are extremely pleased to be participating in the Open Handset Alliance, whose mission is to help build the leading open-source application platform for 3G networks. The proliferation of open-standards-based handsets will provide an exciting new opportunity to create compelling services and devices. As a result, we are committing research and development resources to enable the Android platform and to create the best always-connected consumer experience on our chipsets."

"Motorola has long been an advocate of open software for mobile platforms. Today, we're excited to continue this support by joining Google and others in the announcement of the Open Handset Alliance and Android platform. Motorola plans to leverage the Android platform to enable seamless, connected services and rich consumer experiences in future Motorola products," said Ed Zander, Chairman and CEO of Motorola, Inc.

Open Handset Alliance Founding Members

Aplix (, Ascender Corporation (, Audience (, Broadcom (, China Mobile (, eBay (, Esmertec (, Google (, HTC (, Intel (, KDDI (, Living Image (, LG (, Marvell (, Motorola (, NMS Communications (, Noser (, NTT DoCoMo, Inc. (, Nuance (, Nvidia (, PacketVideo (, Qualcomm (, Samsung (, SiRF (, SkyPop (, SONiVOX (, Sprint Nextel (, Synaptics (, TAT - The Astonishing Tribe (, Telecom Italia (, Telefónica (, Texas Instruments (, T-Mobile (, Wind River (

For more information about the Open Handset Alliance, visit the website at

Verizon Opens Network in 2008

Verizon Wireless announced that it plans to open it's wireless network in 2008. It seem like Verizon finally "Gets" it. I'm sure that saw what Google is doing with Android and didn't want to be the odd one out.

In an interview Chief Executive Officer Lowell McAdam says it now makes sense to get behind Android. "We're planning on using Android, Android is an enabler of what we do."

Now the only thing to do is wait. Will Verizon really open their network or will it just be a half assed attempt just to fit in with the rest of the crowd?

We will see soon. Good Luck Verizon.